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here are all the rules and regulations you'll need to know before starting your journey
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here are the things you'll need to know about things for in character, such as the allegiances, name claim, mentors and apprentices, and more
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this is where all of the retired rp threads go, both ic and ooc
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all pending applications will be posted here; the guided application is also posted under here
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the clans

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lithe, swift, and deadly, these cats live in the forest. the only way into camp is to cross under log tunnel, quite narrow for those who aren't used to it. on the other side, the camp is surrounded by a forest valley, with which several hollow trees make their dens. the rest of their territory consists of a weeping willow used for training, and endless groves of trees and brambles.
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sleek and small, these cats have their camp built into the hidden walls of small waterfalls. protected by high climbing mosses and thick vines, their dens are nooks beneath the crags of small waterfalls, their camp floor covered in slate. accustomed to being wet, most of their territory consists of a stream running down to the border, and a sandy hollow under the nook of the falls for training.
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light and agile, these cats keep camp life in a shallow dip in the rocky plains. nearest to the twoleg houses, they're used to usual sounds and sights of twolegs and their animals. half of their territory is a rocky forest, with sparse trees in between and little undergrowth, while the rest are hilly bogs. most notable is the training area- a small marshy plain surrounded by reeds- and the overlook, a large, jutting rock that overlooks all their territory.
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the borders
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this is where the territories clash with each other. the river runs as the border between tristeclan and esperclan, while a jagged line of tall pines run as the border between timbreclan and esperclan. a chunk of rocky outcroppings mark the border between tristeclan and timbreclan.
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the neutral lands

the river willows
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located on the border of esperclan and timbreclan territory, three large weeping willows sit not far apart, their branches sturdy enough for the weight of the clans. each full moon, the clans meet here for the gathering, where there is a truce.
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the dream pool
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located at the end of the river that runs through esperclan, the only way to enter this pool is through a cave opening on the outside of tristeclan territory. this is where warriors comes to share tongues with their ancestors. the inside opens up to wide, rocky hollow with filtered light and small puddles.
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the twoleg place
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on the border of tristeclan's territory sits a complex of twoleg home, with gardens and a small thunderpath. kittypets often escape and are found here, as well as a couple abandoned barns and houses for rogues and loners to live in.
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